We are indebted to the many individuals and organizations whose support makes it possible for us to present quality entertainment.
While orchestra members donate their time, we still incur many costs, from renting music scores to paying fees to use facilities for practices and performances to publicizing and promoting our Young Artists Competition and other concerts and events. Your gift ensures that the Meridian Symphony continues to bring you an enjoyable and entertaining concert season.
Donations may be made with credit card, PayPal, or by mail using the information provided below.
Online: PayPal and Credit Card Donations
Click "DONATE" to give to the Symphony on our secure donation page.
By Mail: Checks
Donations may also be made with check and mailed by either printing and using our Donor Form (donor form) OR by mailing your donation check with your name, phone number, and mailing address (for tax receipt use). The Symphony's donation mailing address is:
Meridian Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 1016 ǀ Meridian ID 83680
Gifts to the Meridian Symphony are tax-deductible under IRS section 501(c)3
Concert Sponsorships
You may sponsor an individual concert as either a business, individual, memorial, or family for the 2024/2025 season (Request sponsorship information).
Concert Sponsor $1000
Company advertised in concert promotions
Complimentary tickets for employees
Recognition from concert podium
Full-page ad in concert program
Artist Sponsor $250
Company advertised in concert posters
Complimentary tickets for employees
Recognition from concert podium
Printed mention in concert program
2024/2025 Donating Patrons
President Level - $2,500 & above
Meridian Fine Arts Foundation
Conductor Level - $1,000-$2,499
Benefactor Level - $500-$999
Mary Cook
Karma Ellsworth
Fran and Bobbie Everett
Earl Fulkerson Memorial
Scott Kim, in memory of Vance Lowe
Carole McFadden & Chet Walborn
Karen Rickard
Maestro Level - $250-$499
Mary Bertelsen
Barbara Cusick
Charles and Lauretta Gray
Kumon Math & Reading
Sheryl Messinger
Vana Richards
Rita Robertson
Principal Level - $100-$249
Nick Anderson & Diane Powell
Deanna Coble
David Cornell and Virginia Neil
Bob and Wanda Firman
Patricia Godshall
Thomas and Laura Harmon
Rick and Jeanie Hoover
Douglas and Cheri Lindley
Patricia Matthews
Creighton McNeill
David & Marsha Moore
Anne and Don Rex
Tom and Karla Reynolds
Doug Rutan
Linda Simmons
Will and Jeannie Swenson
Barbara Tamietti
Margaret Thomas
Lillian Watkins
Merry Weirick
Ellen Wheaton
Patron Level - $50-$99
Debra Allen
Rev Jennifer & John Anttonen
Aaron and Rachel Hubler
Bob & Debbie Montgomery
Louise Roberts
Ron and Barbara Streng
James and Linda Vitale Sutherland
Friend Level - $25-$49
Mary Crane - Jack Crane Memorial
Sigrid Marwedel
Douglas and Nancy Rotman