Welcome MSO Musicians!
2024/2025 MSO Season
Season Preparation: Please fill out the 2024-25 member form (below) so we have your correct contact information as well as your intent to return to the symphony. This will help us plan for the coming season. ​[2024-25 Member Form]
You will be asked to review and ack-nowledge the Meridian Symphony Orchestra Artistic Policy prior to the first concert.
Day and Time:
Rehearsals are held each Monday, 7:00 to 9:15pm, during performance season
Rehearsal Location:
Concert Dates:
Concert 1 . October 19, 2024
Concert 2
Concert 3
Concert 4
​Kliener Park Concert​ To be announced. Typically the end of June.
Request Complimentary tickets:​​
Complimentary tickets for family members may be requested for each concert. The online ticket request link is typically emailed to members in the weeks immediately before each concert.
Comp tickets which have been requested will be handed out to members the rehearsal prior to each concert.
Comp ticket holders may go straight to the auditorium entrance and present their ticket to the usher without stopping at the ticket counter.
Rehearsal Dates
Concert #2 (December 14 and 15)
October 28
November 4
November 11
November 18
November 25--no rehearsal
December 2
December 9
December 14--10 a.m. dress rehearsal
December 14--7:30 p.m. concert
December 15--2 p.m. concert
​Repertoire & Listening Link . Click on the following link to open the Playlist in YouTube Music: ​​
Submit this form for absences:
Complete this form which notifies your Section Leader, Personnel Manager, and Artistic Director that you will be missing a rehearsal or performance.
Questions: MSO Personnel Manager​
​Volunteer Needs
Concert Setup and Tear Down:
Additional volunteers are needed to help the orchestra members setup and/or tear down each concert day.. Family members or friends of the orchestra are welcome to assist. Contact MSO Personnel Manager for details..
Concert Days/Front of House
Contact board member, Annette Matlock, to help with the lobby for concerts. Help is needed to take tickets, hand out programs, and sell tickets.​
Board Meeting Minutes
(click on date to open document)